Way back when, about 230 years ago or so, a nation was formed.
America the Beautiful.
It was founded on some pretty neat ideas by some VERY smart people. They put a lot of thought into it. They knew all-too-well the dangers of giving one person too much power. Or even a small group of people. They knew that too much power tended to seriously corrupt people. That it could lead them to lie, and cheat, and steal, and even murder -- just to stay drunk on power.
So, these thoughtful people created something called The Constitution of The United States of America which outlined three separate branches of government -- to provide checks and balances on eachother.
And they also worked on putting something together called The Bill of Rights for all of the people.
In the late 1700's, after years of intense and intelligent debate, they introduced these "pieces of paper" to the world.

These "pieces of paper" were very carefully designed to establish a wise balance of power while protecting each individual's right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
They created and introduced a nation based on Freedom.
Freedom. And Truth. And Justice.
Now, was that a wonderful thing, or what?
Or... was it all just Pure Bullshit?

"If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
-- George W. Bush
[2000-12-18, BusinessWeek Online: 2001-07-27]

"I don't give a goddamn, I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief! Do it my way!"
-- George W. Bush
[Reportedly screamed to aides and Congressional leaders in the oval office, November 2005]

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face! It's nothing but a goddamned piece of paper!"
-- George W. Bush
[Reportedly screamed to aides and Congressional leaders in the oval office, November 2005]

Truth in Advertising. Finally.

(Because The Truth Will Set You Free... Probably.)

B l u r b e e s H o m e P a g e
America the Beautiful.
It was founded on some pretty neat ideas by some VERY smart people. They put a lot of thought into it. They knew all-too-well the dangers of giving one person too much power. Or even a small group of people. They knew that too much power tended to seriously corrupt people. That it could lead them to lie, and cheat, and steal, and even murder -- just to stay drunk on power.
So, these thoughtful people created something called The Constitution of The United States of America which outlined three separate branches of government -- to provide checks and balances on eachother.
And they also worked on putting something together called The Bill of Rights for all of the people.
In the late 1700's, after years of intense and intelligent debate, they introduced these "pieces of paper" to the world.

These "pieces of paper" were very carefully designed to establish a wise balance of power while protecting each individual's right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
They created and introduced a nation based on Freedom.
Freedom. And Truth. And Justice.
Now, was that a wonderful thing, or what?
Or... was it all just Pure Bullshit?

"If this were a dictatorship it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
-- George W. Bush
[2000-12-18, BusinessWeek Online: 2001-07-27]

"I don't give a goddamn, I'm the President and the Commander-in-Chief! Do it my way!"
-- George W. Bush
[Reportedly screamed to aides and Congressional leaders in the oval office, November 2005]

"Stop throwing the Constitution in my face! It's nothing but a goddamned piece of paper!"
-- George W. Bush
[Reportedly screamed to aides and Congressional leaders in the oval office, November 2005]

Truth in Advertising. Finally.

(Because The Truth Will Set You Free... Probably.)

B l u r b e e s H o m e P a g e
"investors are a dime a dozen.
creative genius is a bit more rare.
the smart investors realize this and accept it.
that's how they profit from their lot in life."
-- $Zero...
Fascinating. The total lack of interest, I mean.
Especially since the market demand for Pure Bullshit is always increasing (rather than decreasing).
Always nice to come across other blogs and see that there are more and more people who are fed up with the direction this administration is taking us.
Anyone who pays any attention at all is fed up with the direction these warmongers are taking us. The apologists are nuts and/or full of foolish pride and can't see the Nixon for the trees.
Actually, Nixon was a thousand times more honest. whoa.
All of the Amendments are part of The Constitution. But they're all just "goddamned pieces of paper" to Bushco, Inc.
Hey Zero, when are you going to teach me trigonometry?
Rob ;-)
Hey Zero, do you hate me or are you busy or asleep? I can't see my messages. I'm up for being a contributor (and gettin paid a paltry etc., and I hate Bush as much as you, though perhaps for other reasons) can you email if you are interested. No resume to offer.
when are you going to teach me trigonometry?
Well, first you have to learn the difference between True and False.
"sinisterbaby" said: (... and I hate Bush as much as you, though perhaps for other reasons)
I don't hate Bush, I hate his lies and his absolutely disgusting dishonorable cowardly behavior.
Why do you hate Bush?
Are you kin to the kid on Fat Albert that doesn't have a face? I notice in your photo the bottom of your face is missing.
I love your video. I have emailed to old hippie friends and a few wannabe bush-POLICY HATERS.
LOVE your musical interests. Brian Eno, Robert Fripp, YES, King Crimson, ELP. Boy those were the days!! How bout some Roxy Music or Phil Manzanera?! You should check out Ani Defranco if you haven't already. I dunno, she might be too melodramatic white femmale. But she rips up the geetar and vocals.
Lambchops said:
I came to the PureBullshit website in hopes that I would find Truth.
Is that utterly ironic, or what?
Only in America.
Lambchops said:
Today you helped me to have a little more hope through your video and your site. I thank you for that.
And I thank you for being positively effected and telling me so.
It reinforces my "crazed" realist idealist beliefs that I'm NOT utterly wasting all of my valuable time and energies on a hopelessly cynical readership/audience, such as it is. Yikes.
Lisa Morgan said:
You should check out Ani Defranco if you haven't already.
Nope. Not yet. Name sounds familiar. Can't place a face or a song.
I dunno, she might be too melodramatic white femmale. But she rips up the geetar and vocals.
Well, who could possibly ignore a musical recommendation as grittily expressed as that?
Not moi.
BTW: I was unable to open up any of the comments sections on your blogs, just so you know.
Dunno why you couldn't open up comments. Some have read and posted since then.
Anticipating your next creation.
Created some commentary of my own, but too ignorant to get it entered.
Any tip pages?
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